Fermentation Technologists:
Our club meetings are held every 3rd Monday of the month, from 7-9pm, meeting location for 2023 is The Wandering Griffin Brewery and Restaurant. Check our homepage or Facebook page for updates on specific events and monthly meeting agendas.
The meeting will always start out with a hombrew social, followed by announcements of upcoming events during the first hour. The second hour typically includes an educational piece, along with a tasting panel session or Iron Brewer judging. This year the officers will be bringing snacks to the meetings, so keep an eye out for that! Members, feel free to bring munchies to share as well. Check out details on sessions below and join our email list to get the details about what will be at each session. Cheers!
Homebrew Social:
For the first half hour of the meeting we will hang out, meet, and greet old friends and new members alike. Try other’s homebrew and have others try yours. Essentially geek out about our hobby for a bit. New members, keep an eye out for the Board members who will be introduced during the announcements; any of them will be happy to introduce you around! And don’t forget, this is a club of homebrewers and homebrewer’s homebrew, so please bring in your homemade fermented beverages to share!
Tasting Panel
This is a break-off group that provides an opportunity for new and seasoned homebrewers to give each other feedback and learn how to give feedback on the homebrew you bring. It will be run by an experienced BJCP judge. This group is more in-depth and direct than our beer social portion of the evening, but still not formal. If you’d like to get and/or give direct feedback on homebrew, this is the group for you. If you have homebrew with a defect, bring it here! This is an excellent opportunity to learn about defects, to experience them, and to learn how to avoid them in the future. Furthermore, this group will give you exposure to keywords that are typically used when judging and/or analyzing beer. The overall goal is to build your experience as a judge so you can apply your skills to your own homebrew and/or commercial brews.
Iron Brewer:
This is a competition we run quarterly (typically Feb, May, Aug, Nov) where the winner from the last Iron Brewer picks an ingredient, adjunct, or specialty item to use for next iron brewer. Past examples have been a liquor infusion into your beer that is not whisky or bourbon. A recipe that has honey evident in the brew. And Brett Smith went as far as combining 6 mystery yeast strains into vials and the guide lines were that the brewer could brew any style but the batch had to use his yeast blend. This competition is a lot of fun , interesting, challenging, so be sure to jump in the Iron Brewery and try your hand at something different!
Style of the Month:
Style of the month is where the club will pick a style in advance and all who brewed that style are encouraged to bring in their homebrewed examples. In the past we have even had the winning recipe made into a kit and sold at Brewtensils with part of the proceeds from the kits going back to the club!
Unique Sessions:
Officer Elections (November Only):
Elections for officers will take place at this meeting. Write-in nominations are allowed as well. The positions to be filled are below:
Vice President
Membership Director
Communications Editor
Activities Director
Trustee 1
Trustee 2
Brewfest Competition Coordinator
Brewfest Sponsorship Coordinator
Holiday Party (DecemberOnly):
The Holiday party will be the last meeting of the month and can vary on day and location. Last year the party was at Warped Wing and was catered by their Spent Grain kitchen and open bar. Who knows what this year will hold! But this is an event only for paid members, so please be sure to join and pay dues before this meeting.