That's right, come enjoy the coldest day of the year with your favorite homebrewing club. Come discuss the results of the annual survey, results of THE football game, and club president, John Hawkins, will have your sample 3 meads made with the same honey but three different yeasts. Join us at Wandering Griffin, 3725 Presidential Dr, Beavercreek, OH, from 7 PM - 9 PM. See you there! … [Read more...]
January D.R.A.F.T. Meeting
UPDATE Tuesday, 1/14: Due to the CFB Championship Game on 20 Jan we've decided to cancel next week's club meeting. The rescheduled date is still TBD at this time, but will be sent out via email, posted on the Facebook group page Instagram, and on the website. The January club meeting is Monday, January 20th from 7 - 9 PM at Wandering Griffin, 3725 Presidential Dr, Beavercreek, OH 45324! We will … [Read more...]
October D.R.A.F.T. Events
The next club meeting is Monday, October 21st, 7 PM, at The Wandering Griffin. Expect to sample several of the Hazy IPAs from our Iron Man collaboration with head brewer, Dave Jennings. Join us Wednesday Oct 23 at Entropy Brew Co. in Miamisburg for our monthly social. Brewer Jordan Joo will give us a tour of their brewhouse! The tour starts at 6:30. Come early and have dinner and enjoy … [Read more...]
What’s in a malt?
For those who missed the July D.R.A.F.T meeting. not only did you miss a chance to sample 20-some different home brews, but you missed an excellent malt tasting. The group sampled Caramel 60, Caramel 90, Caramel 120, Opel 22, and Pale Chocolate grains learning the unique flavors of each one. It was a great experience and registered club members still have time to sign up for the second in a series … [Read more...]
D.R.A.F.T. May Meeting
D.R.A.F.T.'s May meeting is tomorrow, Monday May 20th, 7 pm to 9 pm at Wandering Griffin Brewery! … [Read more...]
Upcoming Events
April Club Social - King's Table Thursday 25 April 6-9 PM King's Table has been a sponsor of our club for years and this is a great way to give back to them and gives our members a chance to hangout and talk over some great beers. RSVP on the Facebook event and put it down on your calendar. Linck Fest Yeast is coming The free Linck yeast is right now on it's way to John Hawkins and he … [Read more...]
D.R.A.F.T. March Meeting
Come out as we undertake our first is a series of Malt Sensory Training sessions. We will be examining the differences across base malts and at the other end of the spectrum the difference between two highly kilned black roast malts. Come on out, bring a friend, and share some homebrew. Monday, March 18th, 7 PM Wandering Griffin Brewery & Restaurant3725 Presidential Dr, Dayton, OH … [Read more...]
March D.R.A.F.T Meetings
The March social will be at the new Bellbrook Brewing Company (26 E Franklin St, Bellbrook, OH 45305) on Thursday, March 7th at 6 PM. Owners Julie and Jeff Bean have agreed to host us for a brewery tour and social time. For more information, check out their website. The monthly members meeting will be Monday, March 18th at 7 PM at Wandering Griffin (3725 Presidential Dr, Beavercreek, OH 45324). … [Read more...]
October D.R.A.F.T. Club Meeting
Bring your Imperial Stouts (or regular stouts too I guess) and a friend Monday, 16 Oct at 7 PM Wandering Griffin Brewing - 3725 Presidential Dr, Beavercreek, OH 45324Remember how months ago we discussed recipe formulation on stouts? Well hopefully a few months to age and the cooling temperatures outside means it's time to drink something warming. Bring out your stouts and let's get to … [Read more...]
June D.R.A.F.T. Meeting
Reminder that the June D.R.A.F.T. Meeting is tonight - Monday, 6/19 7 PM, at Wandering Griffin Brewery & Restaurant. The subject for this month is planning a club barrel project! Topics items include barrel acquisition and storage, style selection, recipe creation, participation and time frame. Hope to see you there! … [Read more...]