Join the Draft homebrew club for these events coming up in May and June of 2021:
May 17th: Draft club get together at Warped Wing Springboro. Join us for some fellowship and homebrew discussion at Warped Wings Springboro location.
May 22nd: Brewout at Brewtensils. Join Draft club members at Brewtensils from 10a-5p on Saturday May 22nd for our first brewout of the year. We will be setup in the parking lot behind Brewtensils.
June 1st (or 8th?): join us at Brewtensils for our June Draft club board meeting. Our board meetings are always open to all members to discuss club activities, educational events and other opportunities. The meeting takes place from 7-8pm.
June Draft homebrew club meeting: Date, time and location TBD (will be discussed at May meeting).
Cheers! 🍻